Do herbal supplements really help losing weight?

Struggling with extra weight gain can be an extremely stressful and discouraging time for anyone. No matter how long someone has been overweight, or dealing with weight loss issues, finding a solution to the problem can be overwhelming to most people. Instead of focusing on short term results, its best to find a plan that…

Discover The Healthy Benefits Of A Good Juicing Diet

Following a good juicing diet can improve your overall health especially when you struggle to take in the recommended quantities of fruits and vegetables. Juicing transforms your favorite vegetables and fruits into a healthy and balanced drink. Continue reading to discover great tips to help make your juicing dream a reality. While you are making…

How to Cook Spaghetti Squash

Spaghetti squash is one of our absolute favorite foods.  It’s unique structure resembles that of well, spaghetti.  It’s easy to cook and relatively low on the paleo carbohydrate list (although not all carbs are bad y’all).  It has helped us make the transition to paleo as we use spaghetti squash as a “replacement” for noodles…

4 Ways I Compare Paleo & Religion

I had some interesting thoughts come to mind while I was at church yesterday and wanted to share them with you. I don’t know what school of religion you attend (if any) but I find that connecting my diet (food/fitness/wellness) to my religion just makes sense. If you don’t care or don’t believe in God…